Ein Baustellenbereich mit blauen Gerüsten, an denen mehrere Bauarbeiter mit Warnwesten und Schutzhelmen arbeiten. Im Vordergrund stehen Personen, die die Arbeiten beobachten.

THETA Construction GmbH

Building With Detailed Planning

Detailed planning is a crucial part of the construction process. In this stage, comprehensive plans and documents for the project’s implementation are created. This determines which tasks will be carried out when, where, and by whom. As a result, the client is able to ensure a structured and coordinated process.

Our detailed planning typically includes:

✓ Construction and assembly plans
✓ A building description
✓ A precise schedule
✓ And a cost plan for all services and materials

Thanks to this extensive planning, we can easily adhere to deadlines and plan the budget from the outset. This way, clients are not unpleasantly surprised and can plan their move accordingly. Therefore, detailed planning is an essential component of our approach to all construction projects we manage.


Reliable Project Management

THETA Construction GmbH combines the highest level of expertise with a diverse range of experience. Our completed projects so far range from an office complex to a thermal spa. You can find pictures and information about these projects and much more under the PROJECTS. menu item. Together, we work with various requirements on a construction site and take on any type of task within the project’s scope.

Get in touch with us

The construction market is evolving incredibly quickly and continuously.

That is why we have strengthened ourselves over the years, particularly in our ability to continually develop.